My story grows as statutes of limitation expire.
Sure to amuse, inform, and/or annoy, the draft of my story is posted at
The Life and Times of Grizzled Adman
Chicago. 1959. Tail fins touched the sky and The American Dream was going full-tilt boogie when, with a slap and a squawk, I joined the party that April.
On November 22, '63, a news bulletin interrupts a puppet show I’m watching, and Mom runs in, screaming “My God, they shot the President!” Then in March my father died, leaving Mom and I on our own.
They told me I was now ‘the man of the house’ with ‘big shoes to fill’, but nobody told me how. Finding work thus became my quest, and during the Summer of Love, an ad in a comic book revealed my Ikigai. Selling greeting cards door to door was a fun and easy way for eight-year-me to lighten mom’s load.
The police rioted at the ‘68 Democratic National Convention, a mere 25 minutes away. Then, during the Days of Rage in ‘69, the Weathermen blew up the Haymarket Police Memorial. Mom sold the house moved us 400 miles away, to her hometown of Ironwood, Michigan.
Anger, teen angst, and culture shock led to sketchy decisions and a lo-fidelity life of crime. While radio, magazines, and underground newspapers kept me connected to the rest of the world, there, in the god-forsaken hinterlands, I found my tribe: The Party Faithful. Dedicated to having fun, nobody has more fun than us!
Folks were amused, informed, and/or annoyed by my Harry's Yahoos t-shirts back in 1975. Learning more from this high school shenanigan than I did in all of my classes, I declined a college scholarship to continue in sales, and earn while I learn directly from gurus like Robbins, Ziglar, and Tracy. Chris Lytle’s sales training for radio advertising turned me into a marketing mercenary.
Blessed during my five decades to always sell things that I’m passionate about, my adventures include a few stumbles-up into leadership. Today I’m the guy to call when you need something sold, a sidekick for your morning show, or want to get hitched. Already twice ordained (Sub-Genius, Pastafarian), I’m launching a new religion for stark, raving capitalists; the religion America deserves.
Today, well over 100,000 hours later, having mastered sales and marketing, I still get my kicks designing and selling t-shirts. Thanx in advance for your order, and hit me up to learn how easy it is to be a stark, raving capitalist with a store like this of your own.
Think like a pirate.
Have fun, be lazy, and cheat.
Roger Leeper
The Grizzled Adman
Unlimited Leeper, Ltd.